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Advice Revolution - A Financial Advisers

Advice Revolution is a financial planner, who provides financial advisory based on client’s detail. Website is created in WordPress which uses salesforce to store their data and to manage generation of documents and agreements for clients.

Our Role: Our role was Salesforce consultant, Solution architect, Developer, Conga Composer consultant and DevOps developer (WordPress)

Team Size: 3


The GOC team understood the current processes for the client and all the manual activities performed by Sales Reps.

  • Configuration of conga Composer for authentication & google drive integration
  • Configure Salesforce authentication with WP to enable use of conga composer service & API access.
  • Configurable dynamic document use for conga template
  • Configured dynamic use of conga query & conga templated.
  • Configured sites
  • Enabled API service to interact with the SF environment from WordPress.
  • Provided Rest resources to store data from WordPress to link it with WordPress Id.
  • Enabled different rest resources per WP form.
  • Enabled feature to generate conga document using salesforce data based on document type selected on WordPress website.
  • Sync data between WP & salesforce.
  • Written batch process to generate multiple conga documents at a time & store it in google drive folder based advisor of client and type of document and also in salesforce document in background mode.
  • Created conditional conga document templates based on type of agreements.
  • Provided API services for creation of Client, Advisor, practices & relationships.
  • Email notification & logs for services executions

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