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How To Choose A Salesforce Integration Tool That Fit You Best

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Salesforce integration tool is primarily something that sets up and handles communication through APIs with other systems to do message interpretation exchanged by the systems. Selection of tools for Salesforce integration relies upon the total systems essential for the integration and its specifications.

At the same time, it is dependent upon the total integration levels to get covered. Keeping the complexities associated, most people prefer going with Salesforce integration services. However, the below abstracts can be a useful guide for struggling to find the best tool for their requirement.

Having Right Expectations About Salesforce Integration

With growing business and expansion, it is often essential to go with solutions beyond Salesforce capacity, like email marketing. This is the instance when one needs to come up with Salesforce integration. Salesforce integration is a method to import data into Salesforce through third-party applications.

Also Read: Most Popular Salesforce Integration For Your Business

First of all, make sure that the integration makes applications function smoothly to address your issues and achieve business targets. In this context, one must consider taking the help of salesforce integration consultants. Powered by integration tools, the biggest advantage is that one can facilitate the automation of challenging tasks. It avoids the duplicity of data and provides greater overall insights.

Best Way to Select Salesforce Integration Tool

One should certainly consider the advantages while selecting the Salesforce integration tool. But, this is not the only aspect that one should consider. Many other factors must be considered as well. To be specific, one must consider the factors, like the size of the sales team, IT resources, available budget, scale of integration, ongoing Salesforce strategy, sales methods, etc.

Assessing all these aspects is quite obvious to take some time. It’s often seen that people get confused to make the right decision while taking so many factors into account. Rather than inviting mistakes, one should rather take the help of a professional Salesforce integration expert while making decisions. The point is that the aim should be to boost sales.

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Selection Based on Levels

Be it about salesforce integration tools or anything else, one must possess sufficient knowledge to make the right decision. Specifically, one must possess knowledge about the different integration levels as a choice should depend upon total integration levels to be covered.

Primarily, there remain 4 levels of integration, which comprises 2 basic integrations and two additional ones. The two basic levels include data level and process integration. Similarly, the two additional ones include security integration, as well as UI integration. Following abstracts throw more light on it.

Data Integration

This is about ensuring that the systems integrated do exchange data as demanded and immediately as demanded. Through the process, it becomes useful in attaining data consistency, at the same time boosting the efficacy of the team. Data integration must establish the right techniques for data management. Solutions for data integration use APIs to send data from one of the systems to the other. At the same time, data integration can be significant in terms of conducting searches, handling passwords, etc.

Also Read: How To Reach Potential Customers With Salesforce Integration?

Process Integration

Process integration is about establishing a connection between applications and systems at the level of workflow to execute an end-level business process. Concerned integration will need a critical solution to facilitate communication between the systems, deliver a report, and handle the process state.

Security Integration

This is about combining authentication methods to deliver a superior user experience while lowering administration.

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Salesforce integration services get a better view of your customers with our Salesforce Integration services Get in touch

UI Integration

It’s about combining the User Interfaces of a couple or multiple systems. It provides a single point for the user to access several applications and thus boosting user experience. Upon selecting levels of integration, one must consult with experts to have reviews for having greater insight.


All in all, the marketers should ensure that the integration helps them in garnering greater leads. The simplest way to check things is to ensure that things get handled smoothly; it allows the marketers to have more time to facilitate interaction with customers. Ultimately, all these must help the marketer in garnering greater sales and strengthen the bottom line.

We at GetOnCRM, Salesforce Integration Consultants with many years of experience, help you to attach a wide variety of platforms to your sales API. We can assist you with Quickbooks, Box, Plunet, iOS/Android, Alexa, Google Home and many more Salesforce Integrations. Deliver your business better customer experiences, invest in Salesforce integration services, and avail the best returns.

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    Minkesh Patel is the Head of Technology at GetOnCRM Solutions, a trusted Salesforce Consulting Partner. Minkesh specializes in crafting tailored CRM strategies that drive measurable results for organizations worldwide.